Tuesday, October 30, 2007

pal gan is a dachshund, not a dash hound

Seester: oh sees, what is the bigger version of pal gan? doxin? or something like that? (PAL GAN means "Red" in Korean)
Me: dachschund. doxin - seester, you are so literal
Seester: i saw an fbi bomb dog this morning and it was a dachschund, not a mini like palgan a regular size one

A long pause...

Seester: wait - pal gan is dashchund? that is pronounced like doxin?
Me: yes, miniature
Seester: it's not pronounced "dash-hound"?
Me: no - it's pronounced 'doxin' in English...
Seester: i am a babo (STUPID, in Korean)
Me: proper pronunciation is more like dac-shunt. hey babo
Seester: na babo ya (I AM STUPID)
Me: he's a mini dachschund - a mini doxie
Seester: is there such a breed as dash-hound?
Me: like, pronounced "dash" "hound"?
Seester: yes
Me: no, babo
Seester: eeeish - don't tell pal gan. bad aunt
Me: dachschund is weiner dog is doxin. aish, Seester, pal gan shaking his head in shame right now
Seester: i've literally been telling people about pal gan, the "dash" "hound"
Me: oh Seester, no! dash hound makes him seem like some idiot dog
Seester: eeeish! i feel like stephen colbert. babo
Me: why stephen colbert?
Seester: because he makes up words like "truthiness"

Me: i'm suprised no one's corrected you thus far
Seester: a bunch of yes men around me

hotter than hot

Our memory card reader is on the fritz so we can't post any pictures off of the camera. I'll be making an online visit to usbgeeks.com soon so hold tight.

October never felt so good bad hot:

hotter than hot

Monday, October 22, 2007

no pictures, lots of words

The Left & I finally had our much anticipated yard sale this weekend, although it brought back some not-so-glorious memories from my past: blue sequined tube top ($2), my first out-of-college-I'm-gonna-get-me-a-job sensible black skirt ($5), and "fashion" wristbands ($1). Since we made an absolute killing, the Left & I will be holding our 2nd annual yard sale in a couple of weeks (just in time for the holiday season - our entrepeunerial spirits were at an all-time high this weekend). Aside from this, the Left became a sponsored skateboarder and I, a badass rockstar. In other words, the Left got a replacement for the Xbox Red pee'd on and we played video games all weekend.

A word on random things jogging your memory. So the Left & I went to Best Buy to get a new Xbox for the reason explained above. The cashier asks if he wanted to purchase the 2-year warranty (sucker). $50 bucks later, the girl hands us the receipt and a blue warranty pamphlet which jogs something in the Left's brain, which then prompts him to say, "Oh. I think I bought a warranty with my last Xbox". Long story short, warranties are good (even if it makes you feel like a sucker at time of purchase).

(After we went back home and got his defective Xbox and returned it for a new urine-free one, the cashier asked if he wanted to get the warranty again. (Not-so) surprisingly The Left says no even though just minutes before he was singing its praises. I gave him a disapproving look and now we can rest easy...at least for another 2 years anyways.

Friday, October 19, 2007

ponder that

All I see is cheeeeeek.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

ponder this

There's a little too much wiggle going on in this photo. Or perhaps, not enough.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

same old story

Red usually abides by the 4-step method when dealing with new toys. First, the destuffing:

Which is followed by the pure satisfaction and joy of said destuffing:

Then, the first wave of exhaustion hits:

Until he finally gives in:

love connection...doggy style

We here at 'Red is Not a Republican' are currently accepting requests for playdates and submissions for girlfriendhood. For Red that is. Here's a fine looking girl named Chubby, our first applicant:

The relation? The Left's friend Staker's rooommate's dog. The same Staker whose Blackberry Red tried to eat ate not too long ago.

And here's a picture of the Left's friend LJ aka Robot's dog. Not really sure what his name is so I'll just call him, Boots:

On a side note, I'm wondering why Robot has a pair of freshly-worn cowboy boots just lying around like that.

Friday, October 12, 2007


"Waldi", the first official mascot to appear for the 1972 Munich Games, was a Dachshund.
This info, was brought to my attn: by Red's uncle Bob. If you know Bob, jump over to his blog and check out some of his rambling. Mostly good stuff, except when he starts talking about the Indians. http://www.bsattler.com/blog/

i thought he was German

So the dachshund breed has been around for over 300 years originating from Germany, but I'm pretty sure Red has a little Chiiiiiinese in him.


Well "the way left's" seester is in town, so Red that means one thing, put up or shut up with all those new tricks you have. Make us look like good parents. Who knows maybe will break out “roll over”

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

by the way...

Am I the only one who noticed the Left is wearing TWO DIFFERENT COLORED socks in the "Old dog, new tricks" post below????

The Left and the city...

Before the Left takes on the world, he taking small bites out of the Big Apple first:

Apparently, the Left has already developed a street team devoted to making his presence known thoughout cities near you. A big thanks to Mark M. for making these happen.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

new york, new yorker

"the way left" and I decided a few months back to subscribe to THE NEW YORKER. Before that I really can't remember the last time I had read anything other than ESPN, or SI on a airplane here and there. So now "the way left" and I can have conversation that are not just about sports, which I'm sure she really enjoys. So this week no different than every other week, we sit in anticipation for the new issue, and WOW, this cover had me laughing for a sold 15 minuets. Thanks for the laugh, and thanks to RED for not eating it yet.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

same dog, new trick

Red, the Left and I have been gearing up for seester's visit next week. We all know Red conquered the "sit" awhile ago. But how about the "lay"? Observe:

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

no spring chicken

Today we celebrate the birth of "the way left"...MANNY SARANG HE!
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday Dear "THE WAY LEFT"
Happy Birthday To You!

I hope you like this LV cake Red and I got for you.

Monday, October 1, 2007