Tuesday, March 13, 2007

weekend roundup

It was another busy weekend for Red. Although he insisted on keeping it mellow, he covered some great distances within the LA area: Santa Monica, downtown, Koreatown, Venice to name a few...

And then, of course, there was time for a nice midday shut-eye as well...

Also, most of the time, Red thinks he's human: sitting on chairs before you can, cover his face with his "hands" when he's being coy, shitting on the floor - you know, human stuff. And then there are times when he thinks he's a t-rex (small dog complex, I think):

This picture was taken mere minutes before he attacked. Actually, I caught him mid-yawn after his afternoon nap.

And lastly here's the little fella' playing catch with his favorite toy. Imagine the sound of his little hands and feet on the hardwood floors (as my camera's too old to capture it itself):

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