Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Red and I got some much needed QT last week while I was housesitting.


Here's a new trick he picked up. Sitting pretty:




Phantom tooth makes an appearance:


Sunday, July 6, 2008

the sitting continues

I'm convinced Red has forgotten how to play with others. Another morning at the dogpark spent...sitting.

At one point, Red found a hole. And sat in it:

He's standing in this picture, but eerily still:

Contemplating all the sitting from the morning on the drive down:


Saturday, July 5, 2008


Here's some of REDS new cousins out in Kentucky, well really Chattanooga. "The Way Left" always thought Chattanooga was in Kentucky. (Maybe her brain is not soo biiiig) J/K!
I think RED wants to eat all of them..

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Reds feelings are hurt..

One of “Red’s” fondest admirers, was quoted as saying “ Palgan Doongi, looks a little fat” Just wanted to go on the record and tell everyone, that yes red has filled out a bit. Reason… He broke into the cabinet and ate an entire box of treats. Little guy loves his treats.

Reds favortite treats

in honor of the 200th post!! and i love that jacket.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

an eventful 2 hours

Last Saturday morning, Red and I got some QT at the dog park.

Anticipation on the drive up:

When we got there, all he wanted to do was...sit:

More sitting:
more shade

Change of scenery, sitting continues:
lap dog

Still sitting:
total lap dog

Experiencing some freedom:
separation anxiety

Then, separation anxiety kicks in:


After that, it was nail clipping time. Red was not a happy camper.

Friday, June 20, 2008


differing degrees of fun


Sorta fun:

Not so much:


life is so hard

Woe is me!

my baby is cute | greedy

My heart swells when...

hot dog!

Just when Red was starting to forget about the heatwave of summer '07...

Friday, May 2, 2008

welcome home

After a week-long absence, the Left finally came home. If I had to look at Red looking at the door one more time...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

hot hot heat

As the temperature climbs, this has been the sad scene on the homefront:

home alone

The Left left for the weekend to be inspired in the Big Apple. What a sad scene coming back from the airport:

And once we arrived home, the anxiety kicked in: