Tuesday, February 27, 2007

weekend roundup

In the distance i hear CHIP Noooooo! so i turn quickly to see an 8 year old red headed boy running after his dog Chip, who is coming right at us, i drop to a knee and scoop Chip up off the ground before he just tackles Red. I'm holding Chip waiting for the little boy to put the leash back on him, and i hear the saddest crying noise and howling that i have ever heard so i look back and Red is so jealous he doesn't know what to do with him self it was so cute and sad at the same time.. It took Red a solid 15 minutes to forgive me. I think the puppy biscuit did the trick. About 5 minutes before all of this excitement we meet the little red headed boy and his white dog Chip. Chip was walking the boy down the street and then Red and Chip started running around in circles playing and what not and then we were on our way. And then the excitement happened, well atleast Red has one new LA friend.

Get well soon, Uncle Skip!

Red would like to send a special get-well wish to his transcontinental uncle, Skip. "Get some rest, Uncle Skip," Red was overheard saying. Here's a fine example of Red doing just that:

In other news, I've been tinkering with the old camera, following Red around the house taking (not-so) candid shots like this one:

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Great content. Not so great lighting...

The two babies "playing" together.

Check out how "the left" nonchalantly slips his arm back in at the end. Classic.

How can I possibly follow up that last post?

Oh, I know how. Like this:

Good boy, Red. Good. Boy.

what a weekend

So much to talk about so little time since I'm trying to leave work early, surprised? Probably not... Celebrity! That's right Lindsay Lohan brushed my shoulder as she walked by in the pet store up in Beverly Hills over the weekend. Not sure who was fanning out more "the way left" or Red. Well on second thought was I fanning out the most, no it had to be "the way left". And in other big news, Red and I are moving to LA! Starting tomorrow Long Beach is nothing more than a thing of the past. Maybe I'll try and get Red into film.. He has the look, self proclaimed best looking dog in town... And now I am going too publicly take back what I said on Saturday, No I would not sell Red to Lindsay Lohan for $5,000 no matter how much she flirted and begged! Sorry Red for even thinking about it.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

dearest sidekick, I adore you - but obviously not as much as the left and little tawook

So here it is. My first blog via sidekick. God bless technology. Now the left can't harass me for not blogging enough or accuse me of not caring about my little tawook. However, what was supposed to be a quick post has turned into an hour-long endeavor (check the post time). You see, tonight was "Margarita Monday" somewhere in the left's neck-of-the-woods. One thirty minute drunk dial later on the receiving end and here I am. Most of you know when the left is drunk his usual m.o. is to spend most of the time trying to convince you how SOBER he is. Both Red and I were not convinced.

p.s. Red is awesome.

Monday, February 12, 2007

it's the 12th day of the month..

Which means only one thing.. Red's birthday! that’s right Red is now five months old. I would quote 50 cent but last time I checked "the way left" did that a month ago and 50 cent is played. So instead I give you this picture from earlier today when we were celebrating this wonderful day. Last Friday Red received his last puppy shots, and tipped the scales at 7.5lbs. He seems to get bigger everyday, but the vet said that at 6 months he should be pretty much fully grown.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

He can swim

Red my not be Mark Spitz, but he can swim... this morning while walking red, we decided to take a little break and enjoy the sunlight. So we sat down next to this big fountain in my neighborhood. Next thing I know Red is doing the butterfly stroke like Spitz back in '72. I don’t think he really liked the fact that the water was only 70 degrees at best, but now we know that he can swim unlike “the way left”.

Monday, February 5, 2007


Wow, what a Sunday. Not only did my dad turn 50. But the super bowl was on too. After indulging in way too many of Anheuser's finest, I thought it was a good idea to call it a night and sleep off the money I just lost in the big game. Since Red had spent the day with "the way left" and they decided to go shopping and then take a few naps, he was not soo happy with my idea to call it a night at 7:15. I woke up at around 1 in morning, first wondering where "the way left" had gone, and then was wondering what was all over my bed. I get up to see that Red has moved on from Pollock and is now really into Jean-Michel Basquiat. Or at least he is really into the taste of all of my oil pastels.