Thursday, March 8, 2007

So you're one day older today then you were yesterday...

Here's a picture of The Left blowing out the candle on his double-chocolate-fudge-more-chocolate-monstrosity-of-a-birthday cake at Ruth Chris over the weekend. This is just about the face I'd expect The Left to make when I shout at him, "WAIT, LET ME TAKE A PICTURE" (he held this pose for a good 10 seconds while we waited for my camera to load flash):

And yes, that IS water in the background. But don't worry, The Left hasn't lost his touch. There's an empty jack-and-coke glass just outside of view.

In other news, Red's been having a hard time adjusting to the new place. It could be the hardwood floors or his heavy-footed canine frenemy upstairs. His peak barking hours have been between 4am and 5am, although he doesn't really discriminate against 2am or 6am either. Poor guy - what is it Red?

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