Monday, October 22, 2007

no pictures, lots of words

The Left & I finally had our much anticipated yard sale this weekend, although it brought back some not-so-glorious memories from my past: blue sequined tube top ($2), my first out-of-college-I'm-gonna-get-me-a-job sensible black skirt ($5), and "fashion" wristbands ($1). Since we made an absolute killing, the Left & I will be holding our 2nd annual yard sale in a couple of weeks (just in time for the holiday season - our entrepeunerial spirits were at an all-time high this weekend). Aside from this, the Left became a sponsored skateboarder and I, a badass rockstar. In other words, the Left got a replacement for the Xbox Red pee'd on and we played video games all weekend.

A word on random things jogging your memory. So the Left & I went to Best Buy to get a new Xbox for the reason explained above. The cashier asks if he wanted to purchase the 2-year warranty (sucker). $50 bucks later, the girl hands us the receipt and a blue warranty pamphlet which jogs something in the Left's brain, which then prompts him to say, "Oh. I think I bought a warranty with my last Xbox". Long story short, warranties are good (even if it makes you feel like a sucker at time of purchase).

(After we went back home and got his defective Xbox and returned it for a new urine-free one, the cashier asked if he wanted to get the warranty again. (Not-so) surprisingly The Left says no even though just minutes before he was singing its praises. I gave him a disapproving look and now we can rest least for another 2 years anyways.

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