As you can guess from the title, the Left and I have been heavily into "To Catch a Predator" with Chris Hansen (with Dateline NBC). The Left for some reason always likes to take the side of the predator and say things like "Why go out the front where you know the cops are waiting? I'd run out the back" or "It's entrapment! They can't go to jail for that. They didn't
actually do anything yet". Quite charming, I know.
With the still wide array of candidates to choose from, the Left has long abandoned his Gore-Bloomberg ticket in search of greener pastures (no pun intended). To sort through the confusion, I told him to start from the beginning: What are some things you believe in, I asked. The Left's response?
"Gambling, predators, dogs in the workplace and teamsters".
UPDATE: After watching the YouTube/CNN debate this week, the Left has momentarily settled on Mike Gravel (he said something about taxes that the Left really liked).
In other news, CE-LEBRITY! Last week while waiting for a table at sushi in Beverly
HILLS, we saw none other than the celebrinot couple of the moment, Heidi (pink terry sweat suit) & Spencer (albino-like white facial hair). The Left could barely keep hold of his chopsticks as he kept peering over at their table trying to ear hustle the contents of the dinner conversation. He did think that they made a good couple and they seemed sincerely in love. I, on the otherhand, thought they looked like a couple of chumps.