Wednesday, August 22, 2007

snuggle bed beta

After seeing a similar item online, I thought I'd dust off the ol' sewing machine and try my luck at making Red a snuggle bed. This is kind of a misnomer as it's not so much a bed as it is a pillowcase-type contraption that Red could burrow himself into (it's lined with sherpa). Unfortunately, I didn't take enough time to work out the dimensions and the thing turned out way too small. Red, so thoroughly disappointed and disgusted by this, threw up on it twice and 'snuggle bed beta' as it shall be known, is now sadly sitting on top of the dirtly laundry pile. Mocking me with its throw up stains and uneven seams.

Initial test looks positive:

Something is not right:

And finally, Red willing himself to poop on my failed attempt to win his affection:

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