Monday, August 13, 2007

dog needs refresher on private property laws

The Left and I have so far dismissed Red's complete disregard for other people's property as mere puppy behavior. But as he's nearing the 1 year mark, we're leaning more towards spite than anything else. The Left is minus 1 pair of glasses (Red feasted on those months ago). And there's the walllet he's had for 5 years (I believe to cleanse the pallet, Red started off with the dollar bills, then moved onto the Georgia license, credit cards and finally for dessert, the wallet itself). As for me, a couple of recent incidents:

Who knew Red loved boat shoes too (especially insoles)? Good thing these Lakai ones fit right in.

Brilliant book so far ("The revolt hadn't been put down, it had just dwindled away into a fashion statement.")

Blast! Red loves it too. So much that he felt the need to eat the pages right out.

Red, snickering to himself in utter delight.

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